Glad I caught your attention with the title :-)
So what is a revolution....
Derived from the Latin word "revolutio", revolution means "a turn around". I like that. And you all know I love running. What most of you may not know about me is that I have had this ache in my heart, for YEARS, for those sweet little innocent children (over a million of them) all over the world who fall victim to sex trafficking--children who are ripped from their homes and sold into forced prostitution, some as young as 4!
Without getting into to much of a back story, one of my great friends (who many of you know), Lindy Thompson, contacted me several weeks ago regarding a burden that had been on her heart. She wanted to find a way to combine running (a passion of hers) and her desire to help the the millions of children that I mentioned above. And wow...after a few emails--okay so close to 100 (some long...some very short---she's a missionary in Kenya so I've found that African Internet requires A LOT of patience) Run 4 Revolution was born. Oddly enough, we both have been reading some of the same books and have had something stirred in us to actively support ONE specific organization that addresses human trafficking like no other organization we've found. Who would have thought! Its like the perfect storm of "passions" really!
SO, Lindy and I are starting what we hope will be a monster of an organization that works like a worldwide track club where members sign up to run races and raise money for the International Justice Mission's effort with human trafficking under the banner of Run 4 Revolution. If you have not heard of the International Justice Mission, please take some time to check them out. If you haven't met my dear friend Lindy...please check out her blog here.
Adalei and I will be running the Ardmore 5K in Winston Salem on October 17th to raise money---wanna contribute to Run 4 Revolution's efforts even if you can't run....leave me a comment expressing your interest and I'll get you details on how to contribute to one of the best causes I know....seeking justice for children sold into forced prostitution.
I hope you all can tell I am beside myself with excitement. I can't wait to see how God uses this...I will be sure to let you all know once the website if up and running. Lindy and I just couldn't keep it to ourselves any longer!
In the meantime, some other ways you can help...
~Educate yourselves on human trafficking
~Read books on human trafficking. I recommend "Terrify No More" by Gary Haugen
~Pray about joining R4R- EMAIL US if you would like to learn how to get started or get involved.
~Help us get the word out
~Tell your friends who run or want to get started
~Most importantly, start running/walking several minutes a day. Use that time to focus on praying for these victims (I LOVE this one)
~And stay tuned as the next few posts reveal more about how you can help