Is it just me...or are 2 1/2 year olds some of the funniest people on the planet? Layla has had me in stitches for the past week...mostly during prayer time.
On Sunday, Neil, Layla and me all went to church, as usual. That morning when I was talking to Layla about getting ready to go to Jesus' house, she informed me that the last week she ate way too many Nila wafers and that made her go "gak". I'm assuming it hurt her belly? I suggested that this Sunday she should only eat one or two and save her appetite for a yummy lunch.
SO, after church and lunch (where she informed me that she ate Cheerios for snack at Jesus house), we went upstairs to read some books and get ready for nap. While I was singing to her, she put her little hand over my mouth, telling me to "stop that noise" (I like to think of it as beautiful music...but whatever) because she needed to say a prayer. So I stopped and closed my eyes. This is how the prayer proceeded:
Mommy: Dear Lord, thank you for such a beautiful morning...thank you for the nice ladies at church who do such a great job with Layla
Layla: And Lord, I tink you need go to Walmart and get some more goldfish and Nila wafers...I not really like Cheerios.
Mommy: Yes Lord, please make a trip to Walmart
Layla: And you need to get a buggy for all those things too
Mommy: Yes, don't forget the buggy. Lord, please be with Layla while she rests. Help her to sleep good and wake up with lots of energy to go swimming.
Layla: And Lord, help that man...Michael...to rest...I need to sing with him and use his microphone at church.
Now, Michael is the preacher and I just want to note that for the past two bedtimes and THREE nap times, we have had to pray for Michael to get good rest. I have yet to figure that one out. And the whole bit about needing to go to Walmart....I almost lost it because her little face was so serious.
Finally...let me start by saying that Layla started using potty time as a stalling tactic for bed--she figured this out after only three days! SO-I have started taking her before we sing songs and put her down and make sure she knows that its the last time until morning. Yet, she still attempts to make another trip to the potty EVERY night and every afternoon before nap. Last night, Neil helped her on the potty, so I wasn't there to make certain she knew it was the last time for the night. SO, while I was singing, she asked over and over and over and over to use the potty. I told her "no" after the fifth time and that she wasn't to ask again. I told her she already went potty and she'd have to wait until morning. Shortly after, we began our night time prayers that went something like this:
Mommy: Dear Lord, thank you for such a great day. Thank you for daddy and how hard he worked today.
Layla: And Lord, help Layla...I really need pee pee on dat potty right now.
At this point I looked down at her and her little eyes were closed as tight as I've ever seen them. I whispered to her to walk to the door so we could go potty one more time (I felt TERRIBLE), but that its not right to tell stories (to which she said she loved telling stories, especially stories about The Very Hungry Caterpillar)---uh, lies to mommy about things like needing to potty. I explained to her the importance of being truthful. She nodded and said she really had to use the potty. So we went...and she was right.
Although the little prayer was kind of comical, I was really proud of her for talking to Jesus about it. Up until now, its been mostly a conversation to Jesus about her day and all the things she likes and doesn't like...so this was an interesting change of topic.
Last but not least..
I have more belly pictures that I'll post tomorrow along with Layla's dance to "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" complete with pink tutu. The belly is really growing guys...I think I'm kinda proud of the latest little picture. I was hoping to have a BIG belly by the beach next week, but I'll just have to settle for a medium sized belly that still looks a little awkward :-)
The little guy/girl has been moving like crazy lately..mostly after 1opm--must be the ice cream I eat at 9 every night. Layla always got a little crazy after I'd eat ice cream too...