Friday, January 9, 2009

Jack Frost

My toe is frost bitten.  Strange?  My toes FREEZE--literally, apparently--when I run...sometimes they stay numb for the first two miles.  Not a good thing, I guess.  Its my third toe on my left foot...its all red and funny looking.  When I get a slight chill in my feet, it starts to cramp.  Layla thinks its hilarious.

Sort of funny...sort of not funny.

Anyway...just thought I'd share.  If anyone reading my blogs about wetting my pants, throwing up, and frost bite would still love to join me on some runs...please do so. I really think self mutilation only occurs in those of us who are too stubborn to stop or slow down :-)

On a side note...Layla has had ZERO wet diapers and ZERO yucky diapers today.  She's used the big girl potty three times.  Here's a picture of her enjoying a little reward....


Natasha said...

First of know that I will always join you for a run...cold, rain, lightning, thunder...I think we have run in all of those together at some Tuesday...I'm ready to run matter what the forecast is...just email me with the time that you want to meet...and WEAR SOME WARM SOCKS (he, he)....poor toe!!! :)

Second of all...way to go Layla!!! I'm so proud of her for using the potty, and I'm so proud of you, Linds, for being such a great teacher and for having continued patience as she becomes a "big girl" :) So sweet...

The Beaver Bunch said...

I'm so jealous. We've been tryin' to potty train Ashlee and she's been doing really well...when I REMEMBER!

AnniePat said...

go layla!!!!! that is awesome.'t let your toes fall off, missy!

Hall Family said...

Potty Training Girls is so much easier than potty training Boys-I PROMISE!
BTW-Your daughter is very cute!

Oh and ss far as eating Ice Cream during the Biggest Loser Show goes, I suppose your RUNNING is better than my RUNNING (to the kitchen to bake-lol!)

Michelle said...

i would run with you anyway. and stand guard while you pee (in the fOREST!!!) :D

get some warmer socks!