So our conversation after her night prayer time went like this:
Layla: When we talk to the Lord, is it God or Jesus.
Me: Well, both. It kinda just depends.
Layla: Well, who were you just talking to.
Me: Jesus.
Layla: Why?
Me: (thinking...get me out of here...I'm drowning in my own stupidity) You know, I probably should think about this a little more before I answer.
Layla: Why?
Me: Well, mommy is a little confused.
Layla: Do you just like Jesus more?
Me: No baby...I'm just...well...I don't know.
AGH! I failed her. I completely failed. A giant "F" on my biblical mommy report card.
So today at rest time...after reading her favorite Bible story about the 5 loaves and 2 fish...she asked me if God was Jesus. So I explained to her that He was...kind of like I am mommy, daddy's wife and her nana and poppy's daughter ALL at the same time. The conversation went something like this:
Layla: Well, is God a daddy then?
Me: Yep.
Layla: Who's His daddy?
Me: You mean, who's He a daddy to?
Layla: Yeah.
Me: Everybody. (hoping this blanket statement would end the conversation)
Layla: Is he my daddy?
Me: Yeah (not so much a strong yeah...because I had a feeling what was to follow).
Layla: Well, what about my daddy?
Me: WELL, God let mommy and daddy borrow you for a while...because he loves us so much and he thought you would be a very special gift for us.
Layla: Oh. Let's read another story that isn't about God, okay?
Me: (wiping the sweat from my face) Okay.
I should not have been so exhausted by that exchange and SO confused when I walked out of the room. I feel like I should have been more prepared. Like the biggest exam of my life...the biggest test to date and I was unprepared. No more. I'm studying up and more importantly...I'm committing it to prayer. I've realized that I can do nothing...that I make a mess of everything on my own..but God...He's good--He makes everything neat again. So hopefully through His guidance and His words, I can make sense out of this mess I've made for Layla. Poor thing. I bet her little head hurt too!
Someone PLEASE tell me you've goofed up in this area too..that I'm not the only mommy feeling like I need to wear a dunce hat for the remainder of the day.