Sunday, April 26, 2009


I'm going to admit something...on the eve of our very first doctor's appointment.  There is this tiny part of me that is going to be just a tiny TINY bit bummed if there's only one and not two heartbeats.  And, I don't think its because I like a good challenge...I just think the awesome miracle of twins would be so amazing to witness first hand.  I've always been so fascinated by twins and the bond that they have--even in the womb.  I guess from watching my mom and my aunt (who are twins), friends of mine (who are twins) and YES...that little Discovery channel special on twins.....

Anyway...we'll see.  I'm anxious see that little guy/girl on the big screen...

Oh and before I's the video from Layla making brownies.  Neil started the camera just as she was really digging in....and stopped it before she went for round two (where the chocolate made its way into her little ear).   My personal favorite is where the responsible mommy person (aka yours truly) ask the little toddler if she'd like for "me to hold the bowl up for you" while you go in head first?  Really Lindsey...Really?  I'll file that under my examples of a kid raising a kid :-)


this, that and the other.... said...

love it, love it, love it, especially knowing how much she LOVES chocolate, (like her Nana)!

Can't wait to hear about the doctor visit. It's about time to have twins in the family again!

Anonymous said...

oooooooooooo twins...i think having twins would be the COOLEST. too bad they don't run in my family at all haha...good luck to you! can't wait to hear!!

dyanne said...

That has to be THE SWEETEST video I have ever seen. I must have played it a dozen times. It makes me laugh each time I watch it. So much fun.
I LOVE it :)

Legally Blonde said...

I can completely understand why you want 2 more of these!